Let Nature In – Strengthen Your Wellbeing Mental Health Awareness Week 2018 8 – 14 October

This years Mental Health Awareness Weeks’ Theme from the Mental Health Foundation is: “Let Nature In – Strengthen Your Wellbeing”.  In Golden Bay the week of Oct 8 – 14 there is an  event EVERY DAY FOR FREE / KOHA that you are invited to  attend to take a moment to think about mental health; what is means and what it feels like for us individually and as a community.  We live in the most amazing place, but still there are many here who have mental illness and can experience mental distress.  In New Zealand, the current statistic is that 1 in 5 New Zealanders will deal with a mental illness this year (from

Mental distress / illness is so common that it’s perhaps more uncommon for a life to not be touched by it in some way.  Mental Health is vital to live a meaningful, purposeful, life.  Our Mental Health can affect daily life, relationships, and our physical health.  It affects how we think, feel and act in our inner and outer world and influences our ability to enjoy life.  That’s why it’s so important to strengthen our mental wellbeing, which is what the events this week are all about!

Research shows that those with mental illness often find themselves socially excluded; there is stigma and discrimination – fear of judgement which can be an obstacle in seeking support and talking about it.  Awareness can be the light to shine on the dark shadows.  MHAW is part of shining that light.  Mental Health Awareness week is just the beginning.  Awareness can deconstruct the walls of discrimination and stigma; by talking about it as a community, we bring it value.  It shows that as a culture we are taking mental health seriously – that it matters.  That we all matter.  That YOU matter.

Get Involved if you feel to & Enjoy the week!! Have a look at the events on offer in this booklet.  From the Community Mental Health Service & Te Whare Mahana Trust.

Email Ange Wyness for more information

Here are the details of what’s happening each day:





This week also incorporates the Five Ways To Wellbeing – see here for more information

Connect: me whakawhanaunga

Give: tukua

Take Notice: me aro tonu

Keep Learning: me ako tonu

Be Active: me kori tonu

For Information what’s happening nationally for MHAW and The Mental Health Foundation, check out: